Board Attendance:
Sara Fromm
Andy Lyman
Tina Barak
Kayla Silverberg
Aaron Lundblad
Carie Essieg
Abdi Ismail
Administrative Attendance
Eric Skanson
Nathan Schwieters
Angie Lichy
School Mission Statement:
STRIDE Academy nurtures individuals while fostering leadership and empowering students to attain their highest potential in a family-centered environment.
Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, and Roll Call
Mission Statement of STRIDE Academy
Conflict of Interest Declaration: No member of the board of directors, employee, officer, or agent of a charter school shall participate in selecting, awarding, or administering a contract if a conflict of interest exists.
Approval of Agenda
Swearing in New Directors and Organization of the Board
Board Organization:
Election of Officers for 2024-2025
Establish Board Committee Assignments for 2024-2025
Board Members Conflict of Interest Disclosure & Governance AssurancesConsent Agenda-
Consent Agenda
A consent agenda is a streamlined approach to handling routine matters in meetings, allowing multiple items to be approved together without extensive discussion or debate, saving time for more important topics. Board members have the option to pull specific items from the consent agenda for separate consideration by indicating their request during the meeting.
Approval of June 27, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Approval of Board Meeting Schedule for 24-25 School Year
Recommend Approval: Jodie Gohmann, Special Education Paraprofessional
Reccomed Approval: Theresa Maas .25 Intervention
Recommend Approval: Anja Hanson- Special Education Paraprofessional
Recommend Acceptance of Resignation: Janelle Doyle
Approve Designation of Depositories: Choice Bank, St. Cloud Federal Credit Union
Authorized Signers at Banks: Board Chair - Sara Fromm, Executive Director - Eric Skanson, Treasurer - Tina Barak, Business Manager - Kelly Rimpila, Administrative Assistant - Mara Kramer
Delegation of Authority to make electronic funds transfers
Board Chair, Board Treasurer, or Executive Director
Kelly Rimpila, or her designee at Creative Planning
Designation of St. Cloud Times as the Official Newspaper of STRIDE Academy
Approve MDE Designations
Designate MDE Identified Official With Authority (IOWA)-Dr. Eric Skanson
Title Grant programs Authorized Representative- Erin Tronbak
Special Education Director-Cindy Pederson
Approve Craig Kepler of Best and Flanagan as Designation of school attorney(ies) and authorization for the Board Chair or Executive Director to access as needed.
Adopt Federal Mileage Rate reimbursement at $0.67
Authorize Administrative Assistant to Perform certain Duties of the Secretary
Authorization to use Facsimile Signatures
Authorize Business Manager as Treasurer’s Designee.
Confirm/appoint members of the board of directors of the Building Company
Nathan Schwieters -Board Chair
Monica Schraut -Director
Neil Theisen-Treasurer
Cory Heinen-Director
Public Comment -
The School Board welcomes input from community members and staff.
Each person addressing the council shall give their name for the record. Each person making a public comment is limited to three minutes. Comments should be kept courteous and professional and directed to the board. After the speaker makes their statement, they will be seated without further comment, dialogue, or debate.
VI. Reports
Executive Director Report
STRIDE Updates- The executive director will give updates about current programming and happenings at STRIDE Academy.
Physical Plant Updates
Principals' Reports
Elementary Principal Angie Lichy will report and provide updates on the K-4 programming.
Middle School Principal Nathan Schwieters will report and update on 5-8 Programming.
Standing Committee Reports
Academic Excellence Committee
Governance Meeting
July 16, 2024
Enrollment Update
VII. Unfinished Business
Soccer Field Update
VIII. New Business
Procurement Policy
Cell Phone Guidelines
Student Handbook
IX. Announcements
August 15, 2024 Board Meeting
X. Adjourn