Thursday, June 27, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

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Thursday, June 27, 2024 - 6:00pm

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Board Room 111



School Mission Statement: 

STRIDE Academy nurtures individuals while fostering leadership and empowering students to attain their highest potential in a family-centered environment. 


  1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, and Roll Call


Mission Statement of STRIDE Academy


Conflict of Interest Declaration: No member of the board of directors, employee, officer, or agent of a charter school shall participate in selecting, awarding, or administering a contract if a conflict of interest exists. 


  1. Approval of Agenda


  1. Consent Agenda- 


A consent agenda is a streamlined approach to handling routine matters in meetings, allowing multiple items to be approved together without extensive discussion or debate, saving time for more important topics. Board members have the option to pull specific items from the consent agenda for separate consideration by indicating their request during the meeting.


  1. Approval of May 23, Board Meeting Minutes

  2. Approval of May 2024,  Financials

  3. Recommend Approval of Kerry Foldoe, Special Education

  4. Recommend Approval of Nelson Vasquez, MS Langauge Arts

  5. Recommend Approval of Angela Godfrey (Jambretz), Special Education

  6. Recommend approval of Eunice Gyamerah, ML Teacher

  7. Board Election Results Certification

  8. ED Annual Eval Summary

  9. Recommend Approval of Anja Hanson, Special Education Paraprofessional.


Public Comment -   

The School Board welcomes input from community members and staff.

Each person addressing the council shall give their name for the record. Each person making a public comment is limited to three minutes. Comments should be kept courteous and professional and directed to the board.  After the speaker makes their statement, they will be seated without further comment, dialogue, or debate.


IV. Reports

  1. Executive Director Report


  1. STRIDE Updates- The executive director will give updates about current programming and happenings at STRIDE Academy.

    1. Physical Plant Updates

    2. Professional Development

    3. Upcoming Events


  1. Principals' Reports

    1. Elementary Principal Angie Lichy will report and provide updates on the K-4 programming.

    2. Middle School Principal Nathan Schwieters will report and update on 5-8 Programming.

  2. Standing Committee Reports

    1. Academic Excellence Committee


  1. Governance Meeting

    1. June 25, 2024

  2. Finance 

    1. Enrollment Update

    2. June 26, 2024

V. Unfinished Business

  1. Soccer Field Update


VI. New Business


  1. 2023-2024 Academic Report

  2. 2024-2025 Local Literacy Plan


VII. Announcements

  1. July 18, 2024 Board Meeting

VIII. Adjourn

Groups audience: