Board of Directors April 22nd 2021 Meeting Agenda

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Thursday, April 22, 2021 - 6:00pm
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
School Mission Statement: STRIDE Academy nurtures individuals while fostering leadership and empowering students to attain their highest potential in a family-centered environment.

Due to the health pandemic, the school board determined that it is not feasible for at least one board member, the superintendent, or the school district’s legal counsel to be physically present at the regular meeting location and that it is not feasible for the public to attend this meeting at the regular meeting location due to the health pandemic. 

Persons may monitor this meeting from a remote location by Zoom. To request a link to the meeting please email

Persons monitoring this meeting from a remote location may submit a comment to the following email address


I. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call

  1. Mission Statement of STRIDE Academy

II. Approval of Agenda

III. Consent Agenda

  1. Board Meeting Minutes
  2. Finance Report
  3. Treasurers Report
  4. Accept Resignation from Allyson DesCamps, Teacher
  5. Accept Resignation from Grace Cote, Teacher
  6. Accept Resignation from Ahmed Hassan, Paraprofessional

IV. Public Comment

The School Board welcomes input from community members and staff.

Each person addressing the council shall give his/her name for the record. Each person making public comment is limited to three minutes. Comments should be kept courteous and professional and directed to the board as whole.  After the speaker has made his or her statement, he or she will be seated with no further comment, dialogue or debate.

V. Reports

  1. Executive Director
    1. Health Insurance Update
  2. Principal’s Report
  3. Assistant Principal's Report
  4. Standing Committee Report
    1. Academic Excellence
    2. Governance
    3. Finance and Budget

VI. Business

  1. Approve the 2020-2021 Revised Budget
  2. Approve the 2021-2022 Budget
  3. Approve a 2% increase for employees salary and hourly rate for the 2021-2022 school year.

VII. Adjourn

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