Board of Directors Meeting, Thursday, February 16th, 2023

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Thursday, February 16, 2023 - 6:00pm

Thursday, February 16, 2023 - 6:00 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Board/Conference Room 111


School Mission Statement: STRIDE Academy nurtures individuals while fostering leadership and empowering students to attain their highest potential in a family-centered environment.

I. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, and Roll Call

Mission Statement of STRIDE Academy

Conflict of Interest Declaration: No member of the board of directors, employee, officer, or agent of a charter school shall participate in selecting, awarding, or administering a contract if a conflict of interest exists. 

II. Approval of Agenda-

III. Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of Jan 19th, 2022 Meeting Minutes

  2. Approval of Jan. Finance Report

  3. Approval of Records Retention Schedule

  4. Approval of Succession Planning 22-23

  5. Approval of Tony Kapinos as Designated Signer for STRIDE Academy 

  6. Recommend acceptance of resignation, Melissa Miller, Paraprofessional

  7. Recommend acceptance of resignation, Steve Swenson, Tech

  8. Recommend acceptance of resignation, Harlie Haneca, MS Health

IV. Public Comment

The School Board welcomes input from community members and staff.

Each person addressing the council shall give their name for the record. Each person making a public comment is limited to three minutes. Comments should be kept courteous and professional and directed to the board as a whole.  After the speaker has made their statement, they will be seated with no further comment, dialogue, or debate.

V. Reports

  1. Executive Director Report

    1. PUC/Stride Contract Goal Status

    2. STRIDE Annual Goals Reporting

  2. Principals' Reports

  3. Standing Committee Reports

    1. Academic Excellence Committee

    2. Governance

    3. Finance 

VI. Unfinished Business

  1. Policy Series 200, 300 Second Reading

VII. New Business

  1. Policy Series 400, First Reading

  2. 2023-2024 Draft Calendar

VIII. Announcements

  1. Retreat Date Planning

  2. Board Elections/Filing

IX. Adjourn

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